Photos (1 & 2): Robert Wright for The New York Times.

Alexander McQueen
Part neo-Victorian, part science-fiction and all things vintage military, the steampunk movement draws upon clothing from the 19th century such as corsets, petticoats, tailcoats and three-piece suits while implimenting accessories such as aviator goggles, pocket watches and parasols. Steampunk lovers even up their swagger by having modern technology such as ipads and flat-screen televisions "modded" or modified with materials such as brass to give them a vintage, Victorian-looking finish.
While steampunk fashion may seem out there or intimidating, it can be described as a romantic mash-up of goth, Lolita and monarch styles. Some great resources for movies would be Will Smith in Wild Wild West as well as Sherlock Holmes. With amazing top hats and gorgeous vests Smith, Downey and Law provide a great palette for men's fashion that when modernized, give or take a few items, can be worn everyday. Women interested in incorporating steampunk into their look can stock up on corsets, full skirts/dresses, and all things lacy, velvet and frilly. Also, one of my favourite looks is the Amelia Earhart style complete with bronzed accessories an aviator jacket, boots, and googles.
While steampunk fashion may seem out there or intimidating, it can be described as a romantic mash-up of goth, Lolita and monarch styles. Some great resources for movies would be Will Smith in Wild Wild West as well as Sherlock Holmes. With amazing top hats and gorgeous vests Smith, Downey and Law provide a great palette for men's fashion that when modernized, give or take a few items, can be worn everyday. Women interested in incorporating steampunk into their look can stock up on corsets, full skirts/dresses, and all things lacy, velvet and frilly. Also, one of my favourite looks is the Amelia Earhart style complete with bronzed accessories an aviator jacket, boots, and googles.

Steampunk has been making its way into the mainstream for quite some time now and it's only a matter of time before we see references to it wherever we go.
Bergdorf Goodman display.
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