This post is coming a little late but better late than never. A couple weeks ago I went to see Nigel Barker speak about his new book
The Beauty Equation. The book is part autobiography and part self-help with a series of challenges that readers can do with their digital camaras at home.
You may remember Nigel Barker as a judge from
America's Next Top Model. He's also a well-respected photographer whose work has shown in many popular magazines. Barker gave a wonderful lecture about beauty and how the lfe you lead can affect how you percieve your own beauty and how others percieve your beauty.
One of my favourite anecdotes that he gave was about a friend of his that had just left an abusive relationship. She began volunteering at a soup kitchen and within months he noticed that she was walking taller and had a glow about he. He stressed how community service and kindness can help you radiate from within.
The Beauty Equation is an inspiring book from a noted photographer who gives lessons that most would pay thousands to recieve. The challenges are fun and easy and you can share your work on Nigel's website
"YOU+allure+confidence+compassion+spontaneity+radiance+health+honesty+charm+energy/humour=BEAUTY." Nigel Barker.