Hello darlings,
Don't hate me for leaving the blog unattended but so much has happened! I was a make-up artist at a shoot by Plush Embassy,
www.plushembassy.blogspot.com, I started a new job and I compiled a plan for an even better and more inviting clothing hanger atmosphere! So, let's get started!
I worked as a shopgirl this year and I gotta tell you it's not that hard and to be honest it's because people who don't know better make it so easy! I'm gonna tell you some tricks of the trade so you don't get caught in a web of sales associate lies!!!!!!!!!!
1. If you don't LOVE it DON'T BUY it! From now on when I walk into a store I think to myself, will it be my rent or your commission? It's a salespersons job to get you in a changing room and boost you into buying clothes! Don't listen to them because they'll tell it looks great even if it's hideous, and sometimes it really is!
2. Be easy on the trends. Stylistically it's a mess if you lay it all on at once and it's a waste of your money to have items hanging in your closet that you don't use once they go out of style. Also when buying trends, make sure they fit into what you think suits your personality. For example, I'll be sure to invest in a military jacket because I love the look of them (remember that Jimmy Hendrix profile I did a while back?).
3. First things first ALWAYS ask about the return policy before you purchase anything. You'd be surprised to find out how many stores no longer do refunds or even exchanges under certain conditions.
4. Always try things on, just don't get the advice of a salesperson. Clothes never look the same on the body as they do on the hanger also the size you pick out may be a smaller or larger fit for you and you might have to go up or down a size according to how the garment fits AND NEVER under the threat of death think about size numbers, they mean nothing! What matters is the fit.
5. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS look at the care instructions! It shouldn't that hard to find the tag either on your back or to your side on the inside of the clothing item. Machine washing a "dry clean only" garment is a tragedy no one should ever have to go through.
Anywho, I have to get ready for the Fashion is Art event at Nuit Blanche Tonight, hope to see you there!
Mme Bienvenue.